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Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

Academic Agenda Term 1 (2013~2014)

Academics, here is the list of assignments and deadlines which you have to fulfil for the first term. The lists are inculuding English for 9th Grade, English Plus for 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade, and Computer for 8th and 9th grade.

Please download the list and the material which you need and submit them before the deadline. Thank you.

Best regards,

Pandu Prasodjo

Sense and Sensibility

I would like to share a novel by Jane Austin, Sense and Sensibility. It is an old novel and filmed. I'm on purpose to share this novel only for academics who need the novel. It's a beautiful novel, though. Therefore you must read this classic novel.

You may download freely and DO NOT use the link and the book for money. Give credits to the author.

Best regards,

Pandu Prasodjo

Animal Farm

Today I would like to share a novel by George Orwell, Animal Farm. The sharing is academic purposes only.

You may freely download the novel but do not distribute it for money.

Pandu Prasodjo