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Rabu, 13 November 2013

Material of Final Examination for 9th Grade


Good evening. First of all, please accept my apologize for my lateness in giving you information about the material of final examination for 9th Grade.

Basically, the materials that will be tested are almost the same with the middle test materials. We already achieved 85% material in middle test. So, the rest material is not as much as before.

The materials are:
  1. Texts (narrative, procedure, descriptive, recount, and report. For further information about report text you can SEE HERE)
  2. Tenses (simple past, past continuous, simple present perfect, simple present passive)
  3. Question Tag
I suggest you to read further about Report Text because it is the additional material. Moreover, we didn't talk a lot about it. Theheee...

So, good luck for you!


Pandu Prasodjo