
Pembuka dari segala hal yang tertutup.

Hidup Bersama

Hidup akan lebih berarti apabila kita bermanfaat bagi yang lain.


Kebahagiaan itu sebenarnya mengikuti kemana kita pergi.


Tebarkan cahaya sebanyak-banyaknya sebelum gelap datang.

Tuhan Tempat Kembali

Tiada lagi yang mampu berkehendak dan memberi, selain Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa.


Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Eclipse Crossword

Halo teman - teman,

Kali ini saya akan sharing sebuah software yang mana dapat membantu anda dalam pembuatan Teka Teki Silah (Crossword). Nama software ini adalah Eclipse Crossword.

Dengan software ini, teman-teman dipastikan akan sangat mudah dan terbantu dalam pembuatan teka teko silang. Teka teki silang ini dapat digunakan di hampir semua Operating System, mulai dari Windows XP sampai dengan Windows 8.

Dalam penggunaannya, teman-teman akan dibantu dengan tutorial singkat yang mana teman-teman akan dipandu untuk membuat crossword secara singkat.

Software ini dapat teman-teman unduh langsung pada link dibawah ini.
Yup, sekian dari saya... Semoga software ini dapat membantu teman-teman sekalian dalam membuat crossword sendiri.


Pandu Prasodjo

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Mid-Test Material of 9th Grade 2013-2014

Hi, schoolars!

Here are materials that will be tested in Middle Test.


1. Past continous vs Past simple
2. The using of "when" and "while" related with past continous and past simple tense


1. Comparative and superlative adjectives (both regular and irregular)
2. The using of intensifiers "much", "far", "a lot", "a bit", "a little", "less"

C. OUR WORLD (Environtment)

1. The further using of "will /  won't", and "might / might not"
2. First conditional sentence


1. Question tag
2. Present perfect tense
3. The using of "already", "yet", and "just" in present perfect tense
4. British vs North America (Vocabulary)

Nah, study hard and do your best!


Pandu Prasodjo

Jumat, 06 September 2013

Academic Agenda Term 2 (2013 ~ 2014)

Hi, Accademics.

We already enter the second term, meaning there will be new assignments which you have to complete in order to fulfill the requirements to continue your study on the next level.

This second term is in shorter period than the first term. We will only spend less than a month for the second term. I hope all of you will work much more efficiently than before. 

Here are the lists of assignments base on the grade and subject.

Grade 7

English Plus

Summarize the Animal Farm by George Orwell Chapter 3 ~ 4.

It will be much better if you summarize the novel using your own interpretation. Minimize the copy-pasting the novel.

Send your summarize to my email :

The Due Date is on September 30th, 2013

Note: Please submit your work before the due date.

Grade 8

English Plus

Find a local story, myth, legend, folklore, folktale, or fairy tale from Great Britain. It could be from England, Scotland, or Wales. Choose one of them and summarize the story into your own interpretation.

Write down your interpretation into a good presentation (it prefers using a good design and pictures added).

The submission date is on September 23rd, 2013.

The presentation date is on September 27th, 2013.


Due to middle test is disabled. I would like to give assignments as your second term score.

Please explain the function of icons which lies on Home and Insert ribbon.

Send your work to my email @

The last submission date is on September 30th, 2013.

Grade 9

English Plus

The English Plus assignments for the second term are interprating these following poetries. Write your interpretation about the poetry using your own words and find out the background of the author.

1. The Road Not Taken by Rober Frost
2. A Poet to His Beloved by William Butler Yeats
3. Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstain
4. She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

Send your interpretations to my email :

The due date is on September 30th, 2013.


Due to the middle test is disabled. I will publish the second term assignment.

Please answer these following questions:

1. Explain about Internet.
2. Explain about Intranet.
3. How to use the Internet. (the hardwares and softwares)
4. How to use the Intranet. (the hardwares and softwares)
5. Explain how to connect to internet using dial-up.

Send your work to my email @

The last submission date is September 30th, 2013.

Ok, academics!

Please submit your work before the due date because you will skip the score for the second term report if you late. Thank you.


Pandu Prasodjo